Grand Archive TCG: Diao Chan Re:Collection "Idyll Corsage"
Diao Chan Re:Collection, Idyll Corsage
A maiden whose unparalleled beauty brings forth both admiration and equal misfortune!
Each Re:Collection features a magnetic storage box that contains:
A maiden whose unparalleled beauty brings forth both admiration and equal misfortune!
Each Re:Collection features a magnetic storage box that contains:
- A pre-constructed 60-card main deck and 12-card material deck
- A set of matching 100ct. Dragon Shield art Sleeves
- A set of cards completing the playsets for your pre-constructed deck
- A chance for a randomly inserted non-champion CSR card
- A damage counter
- Art dividers
- Three Abyssal Heaven First Edition booster packs
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
Unsere Experten sind Over 9000
Erst Wahres - dann Bares - dann Kopfgeld
Point’n Click & Collect
Diao Chan Re:Collection, Idyll Corsage
A maiden whose unparalleled beauty brings forth both admiration and equal misfortune!
Each Re:Collection features a magnetic storage box that contains:
A maiden whose unparalleled beauty brings forth both admiration and equal misfortune!
Each Re:Collection features a magnetic storage box that contains:
- A pre-constructed 60-card main deck and 12-card material deck
- A set of matching 100ct. Dragon Shield art Sleeves
- A set of cards completing the playsets for your pre-constructed deck
- A chance for a randomly inserted non-champion CSR card
- A damage counter
- Art dividers
- Three Abyssal Heaven First Edition booster packs
Artikelnummer: GA25RE4-EN
ISBN/EAN: 724065401298

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 - 4 Spieler:innen

Kartengröße / Card Size:
Standard (63x88mm)

TCG / Sammelkartenspiel

20 - 60 min


Trading Cards

empf. Mindestalter:
ab 13 Jahren