Death and Return of Superman 30th Anniversary Collection Tpb
Written by Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Roger Stern, Louise Simonson, and Karl Kesel Art by Dan Jurgens, Tom Grummett, Jackson Butch Guice, Jon Bogdanove, and More Celebrating the death and resurrection of the Man of Steel after his historic battle with Doomsday, DC Comics presents this special 30th-anniversary collection of stories from the original creative teams that revisit the aftermath of Superman's greatest sacrifice...and his epic return! This volume also contains pinups from some of comics' greatest talents, including Bill Sienkiewicz, Lee Weeks, Walter Simonson, and others, plus a gallery of variant covers from this groundbreaking comics event.
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Written by Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Roger Stern, Louise Simonson, and Karl Kesel Art by Dan Jurgens, Tom Grummett, Jackson Butch Guice, Jon Bogdanove, and More Celebrating the death and resurrection of the Man of Steel after his historic battle with Doomsday, DC Comics presents this special 30th-anniversary collection of stories from the original creative teams that revisit the aftermath of Superman's greatest sacrifice...and his epic return! This volume also contains pinups from some of comics' greatest talents, including Bill Sienkiewicz, Lee Weeks, Walter Simonson, and others, plus a gallery of variant covers from this groundbreaking comics event.
Artikelnummer: 978-1-77952-852-0
ISBN/EAN: 9781779528520

Format / Einband:
Softcover, Trade Paperback

Franchise / Welt / Universum:

Superheroes & Supervillains


