Weiß Schwarz CCG: Spy X Family Trial Deck
A spy, an assassin and a telepath. Fate has brought them together under the guise of an ordinary and loving family!
Meet the Forgers in SPY x FAMILY, now in Weiẞ Schwarz!
Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following:
- [RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (17 types) [SP]
- Hot stamped cards (4 types): Loid Forger , Anya Forger, Yor Forger, Loid & Anya & Yor
- 21 types of cards + 21 types (Parallel)
- 50 cards per deck
The cards in this Trial Deck may be used together with cards with card number beginning with「SPY/」!
Artikelnummer: WS712515
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
Unsere Experten sind Over 9000
Erst Wahres - dann Bares - dann Kopfgeld
Point’n Click & Collect
A spy, an assassin and a telepath. Fate has brought them together under the guise of an ordinary and loving family!
Meet the Forgers in SPY x FAMILY, now in Weiẞ Schwarz!
Every deck you purchase has a chance to contain one of the following:
- [RRR] Rare cards with special embossing (17 types) [SP]
- Hot stamped cards (4 types): Loid Forger , Anya Forger, Yor Forger, Loid & Anya & Yor
- 21 types of cards + 21 types (Parallel)
- 50 cards per deck
The cards in this Trial Deck may be used together with cards with card number beginning with「SPY/」!
Artikelnummer: WS712515
Artikelnummer: WS40854
ISBN/EAN: 8885009408543

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 - 4 Spieler:innen

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Spy X Family

TCG / Sammelkartenspiel

20 - 60 min


empf. Mindestalter:
ab 13 Jahren