Weiß Schwarz CCG: Blue Archive Booster Display (12)
8 cards per pack, 12 packs per display
Card Types: Total 142 types of cards + 142 types (Parallel)
Others: This Booster Pack includes 45 types of hot-stamped sign cards featuring the cast of Blue Archive!
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards that have card numbers beginning with 「BAV/」!
Card Types: Total 142 types of cards + 142 types (Parallel)
- 45 SP (Special)
- 14 RRR (Triple Rare)
- 83 SR (Super Rare)
- 15 RR (Double Rare)
- 30 R (Rare)
- 40 U (Uncommon)
- 43 C (Common)
- 14 CR (Climax Rare)
Others: This Booster Pack includes 45 types of hot-stamped sign cards featuring the cast of Blue Archive!
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards that have card numbers beginning with 「BAV/」!
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
Unsere Experten sind Over 9000
Erst Wahres - dann Bares - dann Kopfgeld
Point’n Click & Collect
8 cards per pack, 12 packs per display
Card Types: Total 142 types of cards + 142 types (Parallel)
Others: This Booster Pack includes 45 types of hot-stamped sign cards featuring the cast of Blue Archive!
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards that have card numbers beginning with 「BAV/」!
Card Types: Total 142 types of cards + 142 types (Parallel)
- 45 SP (Special)
- 14 RRR (Triple Rare)
- 83 SR (Super Rare)
- 15 RR (Double Rare)
- 30 R (Rare)
- 40 U (Uncommon)
- 43 C (Common)
- 14 CR (Climax Rare)
Others: This Booster Pack includes 45 types of hot-stamped sign cards featuring the cast of Blue Archive!
The cards in this Booster Pack may be used together with cards that have card numbers beginning with 「BAV/」!
Artikelnummer: WS12047D
ISBN/EAN: 8885021120478

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 Spieler:innen

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Blue Archive

Kartengröße / Card Size:
Standard (63x88mm)

TCG / Sammelkartenspiel

20 - 60 min


Trading Cards