Venom: Separation Anxiety - The King in Purple Tpb
Venom co-creator David Michelinie returns to tell an all-new tale of Eddie Brock’s early days as Venom!
Venom will have his revenge against the Amazing Spider-Man…but when innocent lives across the world are put at risk because of the Purple Man’s escape from the Vault, the sinister symbiote must put vendettas aside to safeguard the streets the only way they know how. But their reality-warping foe has evolved…and the terrifying new level of power that he boasts has come at the cost of Venom’s bond — and their sanity. This will be a battle unlike any Venom has had before or since — and can’t be missed!
COLLECTING: Venom: Separation Anxiety (2024) 1-5
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Venom co-creator David Michelinie returns to tell an all-new tale of Eddie Brock’s early days as Venom!
Venom will have his revenge against the Amazing Spider-Man…but when innocent lives across the world are put at risk because of the Purple Man’s escape from the Vault, the sinister symbiote must put vendettas aside to safeguard the streets the only way they know how. But their reality-warping foe has evolved…and the terrifying new level of power that he boasts has come at the cost of Venom’s bond — and their sanity. This will be a battle unlike any Venom has had before or since — and can’t be missed!
COLLECTING: Venom: Separation Anxiety (2024) 1-5
Artikelnummer: 978-1-302-95838-1
ISBN/EAN: 9781302958381

David Michelinie

Format / Einband:
Trade Paperback

Franchise / Welt / Universum:

Superheroes & Supervillains

Künstler:in / Illustrator:in:
Gerardo Sandoval
25 x 15 cm




empf. Mindestalter:
ab 15 Jahren