Twilight 2000 RPG: Core Set
Twilight: 2000 is a roleplaying game about survival in mankind’s most desperate hour. Yet, in this bleak world, there is still hope. In the midst of utter destruction, you can start to build something new. Rally people to your ranks. Stake a claim and protect it. And maybe, if you live long enough, start turning the tide. This boxed set contains:
- A 152-page Player’s Manual, including rules for character generation, skills, specialties, combat, base building, and travel.
- A 112-page Referee’s Manual, describing a world at war and including 52 ready-to-play encounters and four complete scenario sites.
- A huge 864 x 558mm double-sided full-color hexagon travel map.
- 15 engraved custom dice, including ammo dice and a hit location die.
- 16 modular battle maps, designed to create an endless variety of battlefields.
- Four battle maps for specific scenario sites.
- 108 cardboard tokens for fighters, vehicles, conditions, and more.
- 52 encounter cards.
- 10 initiative cards.
- Five blank character sheets ready to be filled in.
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
Unsere Experten sind Over 9000
Erst Wahres - dann Bares - dann Kopfgeld
Point’n Click & Collect
Twilight: 2000 is a roleplaying game about survival in mankind’s most desperate hour. Yet, in this bleak world, there is still hope. In the midst of utter destruction, you can start to build something new. Rally people to your ranks. Stake a claim and protect it. And maybe, if you live long enough, start turning the tide. This boxed set contains:
- A 152-page Player’s Manual, including rules for character generation, skills, specialties, combat, base building, and travel.
- A 112-page Referee’s Manual, describing a world at war and including 52 ready-to-play encounters and four complete scenario sites.
- A huge 864 x 558mm double-sided full-color hexagon travel map.
- 15 engraved custom dice, including ammo dice and a hit location die.
- 16 modular battle maps, designed to create an endless variety of battlefields.
- Four battle maps for specific scenario sites.
- 108 cardboard tokens for fighters, vehicles, conditions, and more.
- 52 encounter cards.
- 10 initiative cards.
- Five blank character sheets ready to be filled in.
Artikelnummer: 978-91-89143-41-8
ISBN/EAN: 9789189143418

Francesco Nepitello, Marco Maggi

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Twilight: 2000




RPG Einsteigerbox

empf. Mindestalter:
ab 16 Jahren