Tank Girl Trilogy Box Set Tpb
The definitive anthology of Tank Girl, collecting the classic, newly colored stories from original creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett! Includes three exclusive art! All three volumes of the cult-classic Tank Girl comics (1988-1995) from legendary creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz).
All three volumes of the cult-classic Tank Girl comics (1988-1995) from legendary creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz). Dive into the twisted and chaotic world of Tank Girl, Jet Girl, Sub Girl and Booga, and experience the original stories that captured the hearts of readers everywhere, then shot them to oblivion (by accident of course)! With all new colouring, this is the complete Tank Girl collection you won't want to miss.
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Point’n Click & Collect
The definitive anthology of Tank Girl, collecting the classic, newly colored stories from original creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett! Includes three exclusive art! All three volumes of the cult-classic Tank Girl comics (1988-1995) from legendary creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz).
All three volumes of the cult-classic Tank Girl comics (1988-1995) from legendary creators Alan Martin and Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz). Dive into the twisted and chaotic world of Tank Girl, Jet Girl, Sub Girl and Booga, and experience the original stories that captured the hearts of readers everywhere, then shot them to oblivion (by accident of course)! With all new colouring, this is the complete Tank Girl collection you won't want to miss.
Artikelnummer: 978-1-78774-492-9
ISBN/EAN: 9781787744929

Alan Martin, Jamie Hewlett

Format / Einband:

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Tank Girl

Abenteuer, Action, Comedy



empf. Mindestalter:
ab 17 Jahren