Star Wars Unlimited CCG: Jump to Lightspeed - Spotlight Deck Boba Fett
Enter a galaxy of endless possibilities in Star Wars™: Unlimited! In this fast-paced, easy-to-learn trading card game, you and your opponent face off in exciting head-to-head battles full of iconic Star Wars characters. This display contains three copies each of the Boba Fett and Han Solo Spotlight Decks! These pre-built, ready-to-play 50-card decks provides everything you need to dive into the game’s fourth set, Jump to Lightspeed.
The Jump to Lightspeed set features characters and content from multiple eras in the Star Wars galaxy, with a particular focus on epic space battles. This Spotlight Deck also includes a Jump to Lightspeed booster pack to help grow your collection.
The Jump to Lightspeed set features characters and content from multiple eras in the Star Wars galaxy, with a particular focus on epic space battles. This Spotlight Deck also includes a Jump to Lightspeed booster pack to help grow your collection.
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
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Point’n Click & Collect
Enter a galaxy of endless possibilities in Star Wars™: Unlimited! In this fast-paced, easy-to-learn trading card game, you and your opponent face off in exciting head-to-head battles full of iconic Star Wars characters. This display contains three copies each of the Boba Fett and Han Solo Spotlight Decks! These pre-built, ready-to-play 50-card decks provides everything you need to dive into the game’s fourth set, Jump to Lightspeed.
The Jump to Lightspeed set features characters and content from multiple eras in the Star Wars galaxy, with a particular focus on epic space battles. This Spotlight Deck also includes a Jump to Lightspeed booster pack to help grow your collection.
The Jump to Lightspeed set features characters and content from multiple eras in the Star Wars galaxy, with a particular focus on epic space battles. This Spotlight Deck also includes a Jump to Lightspeed booster pack to help grow your collection.
Artikelnummer: FFGE3717BOBA
ISBN/EAN: 91721440

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 - 4 Spieler:innen, 2 Spieler:innen

Jump to Lightspeed

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Star Wars

Fantasy, Science Fiction

Kartengröße / Card Size:
Standard (63x88mm)

Deck Builder, Kartenspiel, Strategiespiel, TCG / Sammelkartenspiel

20 - 60 min


Trading Cards

empf. Mindestalter:
ab 13 Jahren