Rick and Morty Compendium Vol.3 Tpb
Even more interdimensional mayhem in one heavyweight tome of awesome awesomeness! Rick, Morty, Summer, Beth, and . . . what’s that other guy’s name? The dumb one. He doesn’t have a job and dresses like a 12-year-old from 1978 . . . Jerry! They’re all back in this collection of the acclaimed comic book series of Rick and Morty! Featuring beloved stories to big for TV to contain—including “Let The Rick One In,” “The Life and Times of Krombopulos Michael,” and “The Origin of the Vindicators”—this volume features contributions from Eisner Award–nominee Kyle Starks (I Hate This Place), Tini Howard (X of Swords), Eisner Award–nominee Magdalene Visaggio (Vagrant Queen), and many more!
Collecting Rick and Morty (2015) #31–45.
Collecting Rick and Morty (2015) #31–45.
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Even more interdimensional mayhem in one heavyweight tome of awesome awesomeness! Rick, Morty, Summer, Beth, and . . . what’s that other guy’s name? The dumb one. He doesn’t have a job and dresses like a 12-year-old from 1978 . . . Jerry! They’re all back in this collection of the acclaimed comic book series of Rick and Morty! Featuring beloved stories to big for TV to contain—including “Let The Rick One In,” “The Life and Times of Krombopulos Michael,” and “The Origin of the Vindicators”—this volume features contributions from Eisner Award–nominee Kyle Starks (I Hate This Place), Tini Howard (X of Swords), Eisner Award–nominee Magdalene Visaggio (Vagrant Queen), and many more!
Collecting Rick and Morty (2015) #31–45.
Collecting Rick and Morty (2015) #31–45.
Artikelnummer: 978-1-63715-508-0
ISBN/EAN: 9781637155080

Kyle Starks, Magdalene Visaggio, Pamela Ribon, Tini Howard

Format / Einband:
Trade Paperback

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Rick and Morty

Science Fiction

