Paper Girls Vol.1 DLX HC
From BRIAN K. VAUGHAN, New York Times bestselling writer of SAGA, and CLIFF CHIANG, legendary artist of Wonder Woman, this gorgeous oversized deluxe hardcover is the perfect way to experience the first two storylines of the smash-hit series that The Chicago Tribune named one of the 'Best Books of the Year.' In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this critically acclaimed story about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood.
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From BRIAN K. VAUGHAN, New York Times bestselling writer of SAGA, and CLIFF CHIANG, legendary artist of Wonder Woman, this gorgeous oversized deluxe hardcover is the perfect way to experience the first two storylines of the smash-hit series that The Chicago Tribune named one of the 'Best Books of the Year.' In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time. Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this critically acclaimed story about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood.
Artikelnummer: 978-1-5343-0334-8
ISBN/EAN: 9781534303348

Brian K. Vaughan

Format / Einband:

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Paper Girls

Mystery, Science Fiction

Künstler:in / Illustrator:in:
Cliff Chiang, Matt Wilson




empf. Mindestalter:
ab 13 Jahren