Monstress Vol.4: The Chosen
Maika and Corvin make their way through a warped and lethal land in search of Kippa, who is faced with her own terrible monsters. But when Maika comes face-to-face with a stranger from her deep past, startling truths are uncovered, and at the center of it all lurks a dangerous conspiracy that threatens the Known World. Maika is finally close to getting all the answers she ever wanted, but at what price? With war on the horizon-a war no one wants to stop-whose side will Maika choose?
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Maika and Corvin make their way through a warped and lethal land in search of Kippa, who is faced with her own terrible monsters. But when Maika comes face-to-face with a stranger from her deep past, startling truths are uncovered, and at the center of it all lurks a dangerous conspiracy that threatens the Known World. Maika is finally close to getting all the answers she ever wanted, but at what price? With war on the horizon-a war no one wants to stop-whose side will Maika choose?
Artikelnummer: 978-1-5343-1336-1
ISBN/EAN: 9781534313361

Marjorie Liu

Format / Einband:
Trade Paperback

Franchise / Welt / Universum:

Fantasy, Horror, Mystery

Künstler:in / Illustrator:in:
Sana Takeda




empf. Mindestalter:
ab 16 Jahren