Grand Archive TCG: Abyssal Heaven Booster Display
Abyssal Heaven (HVN1E) Booster Pack
As Sanguo falls deeper under the shadow of the demonic grimoire, the throne is the least of anyone ’ s concerns. The birth of a new kind of god ignites the greatest clash Sanguo has witnessed, with gods and heroes joining forces to defeat a demi-god unlike the world has ever seen. As history is rewritten, which side will you choose?
Abyssal Heaven is an expansion set that supports all seven classes, with a focus on the Cleric and Tamer classes.
Product Info:
As Sanguo falls deeper under the shadow of the demonic grimoire, the throne is the least of anyone ’ s concerns. The birth of a new kind of god ignites the greatest clash Sanguo has witnessed, with gods and heroes joining forces to defeat a demi-god unlike the world has ever seen. As history is rewritten, which side will you choose?
Abyssal Heaven is an expansion set that supports all seven classes, with a focus on the Cleric and Tamer classes.
Product Info:
• 213 unique cards in set
• 225 foil variations in set
• 8 randomly inserted cards per pack
• 20 booster packs per booster box
Rarity Distribution: 61C / 54U / 47R / 39SR / 11UR / 17CSR / 1CUR
• 225 foil variations in set
• 8 randomly inserted cards per pack
• 20 booster packs per booster box
Rarity Distribution: 61C / 54U / 47R / 39SR / 11UR / 17CSR / 1CUR
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Abyssal Heaven (HVN1E) Booster Pack
As Sanguo falls deeper under the shadow of the demonic grimoire, the throne is the least of anyone ’ s concerns. The birth of a new kind of god ignites the greatest clash Sanguo has witnessed, with gods and heroes joining forces to defeat a demi-god unlike the world has ever seen. As history is rewritten, which side will you choose?
Abyssal Heaven is an expansion set that supports all seven classes, with a focus on the Cleric and Tamer classes.
Product Info:
As Sanguo falls deeper under the shadow of the demonic grimoire, the throne is the least of anyone ’ s concerns. The birth of a new kind of god ignites the greatest clash Sanguo has witnessed, with gods and heroes joining forces to defeat a demi-god unlike the world has ever seen. As history is rewritten, which side will you choose?
Abyssal Heaven is an expansion set that supports all seven classes, with a focus on the Cleric and Tamer classes.
Product Info:
• 213 unique cards in set
• 225 foil variations in set
• 8 randomly inserted cards per pack
• 20 booster packs per booster box
Rarity Distribution: 61C / 54U / 47R / 39SR / 11UR / 17CSR / 1CUR
• 225 foil variations in set
• 8 randomly inserted cards per pack
• 20 booster packs per booster box
Rarity Distribution: 61C / 54U / 47R / 39SR / 11UR / 17CSR / 1CUR
Artikelnummer: GA25B6-EN
ISBN/EAN: 724065401250

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 - 4 Spieler:innen

Kartengröße / Card Size:
Standard (63x88mm)

TCG / Sammelkartenspiel

20 - 60 min


Trading Cards

empf. Mindestalter:
ab 13 Jahren