Flesh & Blood TCG: The Hunted Boosterpack
Marked for death. Pursue your target to the edge of oblivion and fulfill your vow of vengeance. Or is that exactly what the huntsman wants?
*no specific card, rarity, or type is guaranteed to exist within an individual pack, box, or case
Are you the hunter or the hunted?
Set Composition:
1 Fabled, 6 Legendary, 42 Majestic, 66 Rares, 130 Commons, 16 Tokens, 17 Marvels
Rarity Distribution*:
- Cold Foil - 1 per 24 packs (replaces a token)
- Rainbow Foil - 1 per pack
- Rare or higher - 2 per pack (1 Rare + 1 Rare or Majestic)
- Common - 11 per pack
- Token - 1 per pack
- Token / Expansion Slot - 1 per pack (The expansion slot may include content that expands any class or talent.)
Product Configuration:
- 265 cards in set
- 16 cards per pack
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
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Erst Wahres - dann Bares - dann Kopfgeld
Point’n Click & Collect
Marked for death. Pursue your target to the edge of oblivion and fulfill your vow of vengeance. Or is that exactly what the huntsman wants?
*no specific card, rarity, or type is guaranteed to exist within an individual pack, box, or case
Are you the hunter or the hunted?
Set Composition:
1 Fabled, 6 Legendary, 42 Majestic, 66 Rares, 130 Commons, 16 Tokens, 17 Marvels
Rarity Distribution*:
- Cold Foil - 1 per 24 packs (replaces a token)
- Rainbow Foil - 1 per pack
- Rare or higher - 2 per pack (1 Rare + 1 Rare or Majestic)
- Common - 11 per pack
- Token - 1 per pack
- Token / Expansion Slot - 1 per pack (The expansion slot may include content that expands any class or talent.)
Product Configuration:
- 265 cards in set
- 16 cards per pack
Artikelnummer: FAB05306
ISBN/EAN: 9421037053066

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 - 4 Spieler:innen

The Hunted

Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Flesh and Blood


Kartengröße / Card Size:
Standard (63x88mm)

TCG / Sammelkartenspiel

20 - 60 min


Trading Cards