Flesh & Blood TCG: Rosetta Booster Display
Return to the magical sanctuary of Aria, through thorny thickets and volatile thunderstorms, and meld the elemental power of Earth and Lightning like never before!
*no specific card, rarity, or type is guaranteed to exist within an individual pack, box, or case
Rosetta marks the first ever set featuring all ARCANE classes, introducing two new Wizards and two new Runeblades!
Product Configuration:
- 258 cards in set
- 16 cards per pack
- 24 packs per display
Set Composition: 1 Fabled, 5 Legendary, 49 Majestic, 57 Rares, 128 Commons, 14 Tokens, 24 Marvels
Rarity Distribution*:
Rarity Distribution*:
- Cold Foil - 1 per 24 packs (replaces a token)
- Rainbow Foil - 1 per pack
- Rare or higher - 2 per pack (1 Rare + 1 Rare or Majestic)
- Common - 11 per pack
- Token - 1 per pack
- Token / Expansion Slot - 1 per pack
(The expansion slot may include content that expands any class or talent.)
*no specific card, rarity, or type is guaranteed to exist within an individual pack, box, or case
Versandkostenfrei ab 50 Euro
Unsere Experten sind Over 9000
Erst Wahres - dann Bares - dann Kopfgeld
Point’n Click & Collect
Return to the magical sanctuary of Aria, through thorny thickets and volatile thunderstorms, and meld the elemental power of Earth and Lightning like never before!
*no specific card, rarity, or type is guaranteed to exist within an individual pack, box, or case
Rosetta marks the first ever set featuring all ARCANE classes, introducing two new Wizards and two new Runeblades!
Product Configuration:
- 258 cards in set
- 16 cards per pack
- 24 packs per display
Set Composition: 1 Fabled, 5 Legendary, 49 Majestic, 57 Rares, 128 Commons, 14 Tokens, 24 Marvels
Rarity Distribution*:
Rarity Distribution*:
- Cold Foil - 1 per 24 packs (replaces a token)
- Rainbow Foil - 1 per pack
- Rare or higher - 2 per pack (1 Rare + 1 Rare or Majestic)
- Common - 11 per pack
- Token - 1 per pack
- Token / Expansion Slot - 1 per pack
(The expansion slot may include content that expands any class or talent.)
*no specific card, rarity, or type is guaranteed to exist within an individual pack, box, or case
Artikelnummer: FAB05260
ISBN/EAN: 9421037052601

Anzahl der Spieler:innen:
2 - 4 Spieler:innen


Franchise / Welt / Universum:
Flesh and Blood

TCG / Sammelkartenspiel


Trading Cards

empf. Mindestalter:
ab 16 Jahren